We Asked Men About Their ‘Mommy Issues.’ Here’s What They Said. (2024)

We Asked Men About Their ‘Mommy Issues.’ Here’s What They Said. (1)

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We hear a lot about “daddy issues” with women. Generally speaking, the term describes women’s unhealthy relationship patterns after growing up with either an absent or negligent father.

We rarely talk about the reverse: Men can also have mommy issues.

Elvis Presley is often held up as the ultimate mama’s boy, a man who adored his mother, Gladys, and never quite got over her early death. One psychotherapist called Presley a “classic example of the mother/Madonna/whor* split,” and Presley’s ex-wife, Priscilla Presley, recalled his intimacy issues after she gave birth in her memoir. The singer told her “he had never been able to make love to a woman who had a child.”


More recently, Alec Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria, suggested that the actor has some mommy issues: “Sometimes I’m his mommy,” the 39-year-old told Romper in June of her 65-year-old husband. “At the beginning of our relationship, everyone was like, ‘She must have daddy issues because she’s married to somebody older.’ But it’s actually the opposite.”

Therapists confirm that so-called mommy issues are just as common as daddy issues ― though many mental health experts believe the terms cheapen real issues springing from our childhoods.

“There is something demeaning and minimizing about using words like this,” said Ken Page, a New York-based psychotherapist and the host of the “Deeper Dating Podcast.”

“I think that if your partner tells you you have daddy issues or mommy issues, there’s a quality of minimization and criticism inherent in that,” he said. “And I think that you know, historically, very often it is women who are told by men who want to change their behavior that they have daddy issues.”


The reality is, if you’re human, you probably have mommy and/or daddy issues to work out in some form, Page said.

“It’s just like fear of intimacy being put out as this kind of pathology when we all have certain degrees of fear of intimacy,” he said. “If you’re breathing, you have some fear of intimacy because intimacy is one of the most precious and also one of the most challenging things in life.

“Similarly, if you’re breathing and human, you’ve got daddy ― or mommy ― issues,” he said. “A huge factor in how we behave in relationships is the quality of caretaking we received from our parents.”

That’s true “no matter how wonderful your parenting was, because your parents weren’t perfect, and neither are you,” Page said.

The psychotherapist noted that these kinds of issues don’t always originate from the opposite sex parent: You can be a man with daddy issues or a woman with mommy issues, too.

We Asked Men About Their ‘Mommy Issues.’ Here’s What They Said. (2)

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When we talk about daddy or mommy issues, we’re really just talking about attachment issues and family dynamics, according to marriage and family therapist Kati Morton.

Our attachment style ― whether anxiously attached, avoidantly attached or securely attached ― takes form in childhood based on how our parents or caregivers treat us. It’s the way we emotionally bond and relate to others in the context of close relationships.

“Essentially, the way our parents interact with us and respond to our needs helps us create a blueprint for our future relationships,” said Morton, who, besides being a practicing therapist, is the author of “Are u ok? A Guide to Caring for Your Mental Health.”

Those blueprints can mean we struggle with intimacy, feel anxious when people get close, or have difficulty letting anyone know us.


Morton said it can also mean we use our future relationships to compensate for what we didn’t get as children.

“This could explain why we date older people, maybe wanting them to care for us in a way we weren’t ever cared for, or maybe we were always the responsible or parentified child, and we want a break from that role,” she said.

Whatever the cause or reaction, it all boils down to the way we were raised and what that taught us about relationships and connection.

Men Share What It’s Like To Have Mommy Issues

Men who admit to having what might be called “mommy issues” agree that the conversation needs to be much more nuanced.

Growing up with an overprotective mom, Nate Ahmad, a 26-year-old from Toronto, Canada, said he was very much coddled, and today, he still feels like he needs constant reassurance that he’s making the right life choices.


“It also seems to have manifested in my life in the form of needing constant reassurance about how my partner feels about me, if they love me, and if they still care about me,” Ahmad said.

“In the past, it resulted in me testing my partner’s love by doing things that probably were not the most healthy or kind of toxic, just to see how they respond, to get proof that they do care about me.”

He’s gotten better about testing in recent relationships, in part because he learned what he thought of as mommy issues were more like attachment issues. Those with anxious attachment styles, like Ahmad, need more reassurance about their relationships, often to the detriment of the relationship.

“My mom went back to work pretty quickly after she gave birth to me,” he said. “She was a great mom, but I think possibly there was a lack of attachment forming there compared to what you’d expect from a healthier attachment bond forming... I feel like that’s caused me to have my growing up being clingy.”

Today, Ahmad is working on creating healthier boundaries in his relationships and communicating his needs. He recognizes his attachment issues but doesn’t dwell on them.


“I don’t get hung up on like, ‘Oh, my mother’s the reason I’m like this, or my father’s the reason I’m like this,’” he said. “That can be consuming. So really, it’s about just reflecting, taking accountability for only the things you need to, and then just seeing where you can do better and start slowly.”

“I was angry with my mother for my entire 32 year naval career. Therapy helped me move past that, and in therapy, I learned that my dad was a part of my fear and anger, too ― it wasn’t just my mother.”

- Leon Walker, a motivational speaker

Leon Walker, a motivational speaker, said his issues with his mom run a little deeper. For half of his childhood, Walker said his mother was “loving, caring, supportive” and active in his life. His feelings toward her changed at 11 when his parents divorced.

“My parents split up, and I was sent to live with a caregiver who was a woman that I didn’t know,” Walker said. “The divorce caused me to not want to get married nor have kids. More than anything, the fact that my mother left my father made me feel like we were highly discarded.”

As a young man, Walker said he sided with his dad over his mom more times than not and defended men over women.


In relationships, Walker says he didn’t know how to hug, cuddle, listen to or love women. He said he struggled to receive nurturing or care from any of the women in his life and was classically avoidant, largely because of the treatment he received from his mom.

“My mom left me three times: When she divorced my dad in 1979 when she started doing drugs in 1985, and when she died in 2012,” he said.

“Being discarded by my mom taught me how it felt to be discarded, and I developed that trait as well: I learned how to ‘discard’ women like my mother discarded me,” he said

Walker has since learned that there was blame to go around regarding his treatment as a child. That lesson didn’t come easy.

“I was angry with my mother for my entire 32-year naval career,” he said. “Therapy helped me move past that, and in therapy, I learned that my dad was a part of my fear and anger, too ― it wasn’t just my mother.”


How To Work On And Rise Above Parental Issues

Our relationship with our primary caregivers is vital, and being abused, neglected, or having any unmet needs can set us up to look to others in our lives to fill those needs, Morton said.

Luckily, it’s possible to heal from attachment issues and stop acting out of our past experiences.

“Most of us grow up with some dysfunction in our families, so know that you are definitely not alone, and while we aren’t responsible for how we were raised, we are responsible for what we do now,” she said.

We Asked Men About Their ‘Mommy Issues.’ Here’s What They Said. (3)

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The first step is to recognize childhood trauma or unmet needs by our parents, Page said.

“Put them in words ― ‘I felt abandoned in my childhood,’ for instance ― so you understand why it makes sense that we feel that way given our history, but also why it makes sense that we feel this way in this current relationship,” he said.

The goal is to name your needs ― to yourself in your self-talk, to your partner so they understand you ― not to suppress those needs. Suppression of long unmet needs inevitably leads to people acting out in romantic relationships, Page said.


“So if things got heated at dinner, you could say something like: ’I’m feeling insecurity now, and I know it’s springing from me and an issue from my childhood. But I would just like to hear validation from you about XYZ. I would just like you to hold me or hold hands so I can remember that you love me. So I can get back to that feeling.’”

When it comes to these issues, Page said we need to take shame and guilt off the table as much as possible. “When we do that, we take off a certain amount of pressure for our partner, which makes it so much easier for that need to be met,” he said.

While attachment issues can certainly be worked on within a relationship, if you do happen to be single, Morton said you have a great opportunity to take some time between relationships, do some introspective work, and reflect on the unhealthy patterns in your life.

She added that therapy can immensely benefit these issues if you can financially swing it. (Here’s a helpful guide on how to find affordable counseling.)

“What you need to do is figure out what all of your failed relationships ― friendships and romantic ones ― have in common and figure out your role in them,” she said. “I know it’s hard, and making a behavioral change is difficult, but with the support of a therapist, it can and will get better. It is possible to heal from this.”


We Asked Men About Their ‘Mommy Issues.’ Here’s What They Said. (2024)


What does a guy with mommy issues act like? ›

Mommy issues in men

an expectation that romantic partners will provide more than a fair share of household labor or emotional support. trust issues or difficulty showing vulnerability. a strong need for affection and approval or difficulty showing affection or rapid shifts between the two.

What to say to a guy with mommy issues? ›

Let your partner know how his mommy issues are affecting your relationship, and set boundaries with him by communicating your needs and expectations clearly. “Joe, I'm really invested in our relationship, but sometimes I worry you're not fully emotionally available. Can we talk about this? I'd love to be closer.”

Do men with mommy issues avoid relationships? ›

Mommy issues can impact romantic relationships differently depending on the man's relationship with his mom while growing up. Some men grow up afraid of being committed in their romantic relationships. They are reluctant because they think their partner will wake up one day and become uninterested in the union.

How does a girl with mommy issues act? ›

Mommy issues in women can sometimes manifest in the form of controlling behavior toward others. When your mother is controlling, you may learn that it is acceptable to control others. This can cause you to be rigid in your relationships, expecting people to behave a certain way.

How often should a grown man talk to his mother? ›

Great news: there's no right or wrong number of times per day (or week, month or year) that you should talk to your mother. That magic number is, well, whatever works for the two of you. “Focus on the intention and value of the relationship and less about the shoulds and shouldn'ts,” Dr. Galloway said.

What is a dominant mother syndrome? ›

MD. Overbearing mothers hover, criticize, and overstep boundaries, which can lead to a host of challenges for their adult children including low self-esteem, dependence, and perfectionism. These mothers may think they are doing what's best for their children, but ultimately their hovering causes harm.

How do men with daddy issues act? ›

A man dealing with daddy issues may be extremely anxious in relationships, which can cause him to be possessive or clingy. He may need to know where his partner is 24/7 and quickly become suspicious, worried, or jealous if he can't get in contact with them.

How does a mother wound show up in a man? ›

It can manifest present through: Low Self Esteem: Men who carry a Mother Wound often struggle with feelings of self worth, which impacts their sense of security and capacity to exert themselves. This can lead to a constant questioning of one's self and seeking external validation from others.

How do you comfort someone with mommy issues over text? ›

5 things you should text on Mother's Day to a friend who has a difficult (or nonexistent) relationship with her mom
  1. 1 “Hey, I know today isn't the easiest for you. ...
  2. 2 “How's today going? ...
  3. 3 “I know how much it bothers you, but you aren't a bad person for not reaching out to her today.”
May 11, 2018

What does it mean if a girl has mommy issues? ›

"Mommy issues" is a term used to describe the issues females face later in life due to the relationship they had with their mothers as a child. When referring to males, having mommy issues can mean being too close to their mother or seeking a partner who is like their mother, often comparing the two.

Should a man put his mom before his wife? ›

Your wife should always come first. Before you get married, it is okay to take your mother's side and follow her advice and opinions. However, once you get hitched, your wife automatically becomes your first priority. Your wife's opinions and input should take precedence.

When a man is too attached to his mother? ›

A man who seems to be unhealthily attached to his mother, however, might be more of a problem. This is particularly if he can't seem to function without her. Boundary problems, dependence, and enmeshment can be harmful to a relationship or marriage.

What are traits of mommy issues? ›

Signs of mommy issues can vary greatly, ranging from withdrawal and isolation from others to extreme clinginess and smothering of others. If you have mommy issues, you can work on repairing those wounds through therapy, practicing self-care, and forming healthy relationships with others.

What does psychology say about mommy issues? ›

At the core, mommy issues are attachment issues stemming from childhood. A person can still unlearn healthy patterns and behavior with awareness and emotional support from significant others. Self-help and therapy can help a person face their childhood trauma and resolve existing issues with their mother.

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The relationship problems that can arise from mommy issues

Doubting her relationship with others. Trouble establishing deep emotional connections. Over-sensitive – what she looks like, her hair, what she's wearing are never good enough. Not a lot of friends.

How do you know a man has mommy issues? ›

In men, mommy issues often surface in their relationships with both their mothers and other women. These signs might include: Always needing to stay in contact with their mother. Never wanting anything to do with their mother.

How does a mother wound show up in men? ›

It can manifest present through: Low Self Esteem: Men who carry a Mother Wound often struggle with feelings of self worth, which impacts their sense of security and capacity to exert themselves. This can lead to a constant questioning of one's self and seeking external validation from others.

How does a man's relationship with his mother affect? ›

A mother teaches her child right from wrong and models the kind of person he should strive to become. She inspires him to dream big and instils the confidence to chase his goals. Ultimately, a good mother raises a son who knows how to love and show respect for himself and those around him.


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