Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (2024)

Life is built on routines. It’s easy to go years—or even decades—without consciously assessing what’s working and what’s not. (For the record these Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes work FOR everyone but I digress!)

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (1)

As a result, many of us are surrounded by people, obligations, objects, and habits that aren’t exactly making our lives better (far from it!). Well, no more. With summer almost upon us, it’s the perfect time to take a fresh look at your daily existence—and drop all the dead weight that’s holding you back.

“We tend to think of ‘quitting’ as a bad thing, but the fact is, the things that used to fit well into your life may not be honoring who you are now,” says Marla Tomazin, who has been an image consultant for 25 years after earlier experience in the fashion industry. “It’s very important to live on purpose, not by accident. So instead of piling even more responsibilities onto your plate in the form of overly ambitious New Year’s resolutions, resolve to become a quitter.”

As an experienced image consultant, Tomazin focuses on the entire body-mind-spirit connection when working with clients because she knows that the impression you make isn’t just determined by what you wear; it’s also influenced by your attitude, outlook, and self-image. Here, Tomazin shares seven habits and behaviors you might want to consider quitting (and Why Ditching Them Can Make This Your Happiest Year Yet). And I’m sharing a recipe for Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes ( which is Zero points per serving) that is sure to help you when it comes to your health!

Quit making excuses about your health.

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (2)

Have you been meaning to lose a few pounds (for the last 10 years)? It’s so easy to bump exercise and healthy eating to the bottom of your to-do list. There are usually so many other tasks that seem more pressing: Get that report to the boss. Set up a time to get the car inspected. Make sure the kids get to cello lessons on time. Meanwhile, you tell yourself, I’ll start going to spin class next week. Problem is, “next week” never arrives.

“If you don’t like the number you see on the scale, it’s time for the excuses to stop, regardless of how legitimate they are,” Tomazin says. “And there’s a good reason for this tough love: Your weight isn’t just about your silhouette—it’s about your health, your energy level, and your confidence, too. Plus, the smile on your face—and the way all your friends will remark on how fabulous you look—will make you feel better every day for the rest of your life.”

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (3)

And with that in mind- you will LOVE this Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Zero points per serving

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes
0 Points
Serves 12 people

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (4)

10 oz water-packed tuna fish drained 0 Points
2 egg(s) 0 Points
1/3 cup(s) uncooked old fashioned oats 3 Points
2 Tbsp chives 0 Points
1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard 0 Points
2 tsp fresh lemon juice 0 Points
1 tsp garlic powder 0 Points
1 pinch table salt 0 Points
1 pinch black pepper 0 Points
5 sprays cooking spray 0 points

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (5)

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (6)

1.Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix until uniform
2. Use cooking spray to coat the bottom of a skillet and bring it to high heat.
3. Evenly distribute mixture into four mounds. Flatten into patties ( aka croquettes) each about 1/2 inch thick. Repeat until you have 12 croquettes.
4.Cook patties until golden brown and cooked through about four minutes per side.

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (7)

This Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe makes 12 servings. Each tuna croquette is Zero points per serving

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (8)

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (9)


Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes

This recipes for Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes is an easy lunch or dinner dish. And at zero points per serving it is a wonderful dish!

Course Main Course

Cuisine American

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes

Total Time 20 minutes

Servings 12


  • 10 oz water-packed tuna fish drained 0 Points
  • 2 eggs 0 Points
  • 1/3 cup uncooked old fashioned oats 3 Points
  • 2 Tbsp chives 0 Points
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard 0 Points
  • 2 tsp fresh lemon juice 0 Points
  • 1 tsp garlic powder 0 Points
  • 1 pinch table salt 0 Points
  • 1 pinch black pepper 0 Points
  • 5 sprays cooking spray 0 points


  1. 1.Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix until uniform

  2. Use cooking spray to coat the bottom of a skillet and bring it to high heat.

  3. Evenly distribute mixture into four mounds. Flatten into patties ( aka croquettes) each about 1/2 inch thick.Repeat until you have 12 croquettes.

  4. 4.Cook patties until golden brown and cooked through about four minutes per side.

It is sometimes a struggle for me to come up with delicious recipes like this one. To make things easier for me (and you) Below are some of my other favorite Weight Watchers FreeStyle Desserts!

    • Weight Watchers Two Point Cinnamon Muffins
    • Weight Watchers One Point Chocolate Chip Pecan Muffins
    • Weight Watchers Chocolate Eclair cake
    • Watchers Lemon Lime Pie

Quit burning the candle at both ends. Do you feel tired and run down? Are you overextending yourself? Do you pack your days too full and get too little sleep in order to accomplish everything you want to? You may think you’re getting ahead, but in reality, you’re hurting your quality of life. There are more studies coming out each year that affirm the health benefits of getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

“If you make taking care of yourself more of a priority, you’ll feel better about taking care of other people and have more energy throughout the day,” Tomazin says. “Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish; it’s healthy and necessary.

Whether you spend a day at the spa or simply take ten minutes to purchase and enjoy a cup of hot tea in the midst of running errands, investing in yourself will make you more resilient and will also reduce your stress and tension.”

Quit spending so much time with people who don’t enrich your life. How many people do you regularly spend time with—even though you don’t really want to? You know the ones: Perhaps your sister-in-law constantly asks to get together, but spends the entire time criticizing everything from your clothes to your career to your parenting.

Or maybe a certain frenemy peppers the conversation with backhanded compliments and one-upmanship, making you feel like your whole life has been one long series of bad decisions.

“People with whom you feel obligated to spend time can suck up your energy and positive outlook, dragging down an otherwise great day or week,” Tomazin comments. “Often it’s impossible to back out of the relationship entirely, but there are things you can do to minimize its negative impact on your life.

First, make sure you have set up clear boundaries. In some cases, people might not realize how bad they’re making you feel! And second, remember that you can gracefully say no to one social activity while accepting another, more positive one.”

Quit saying yes to everything. Many of us have trouble saying no for a variety of reasons: We don’t want to let others down, we don’t want to be seen as weak, we’re afraid to refuse, etc. However, Tomazin points out that until you learn to say no when you need to, you’ll never be in the driver’s seat of your own life.

“You don’t have to chair every event, take on every project, host every party, participate in every activity, and accept every invitation,” she reminds. “Remember, you—not your boss, your friend, or your child’s teacher—are in charge of your calendar. Right now, before 2016 gets off the ground, decide ahead of time what’s most important to you and prioritize those things. Then you can feel okay about saying no to some of the rest.”

Quit at least one bad habit. Maybe you’re always running late, or you’ve been overspending lately. Perhaps you tend to procrastinate on big projects until the last minute, or you stuff yourself with junk food when you’re stressed. The truth is, we all have bad habits—and New Year’s resolutions are tailor-made to help you get rid of them.

“To start, pick one bad habit—something that causes you a lot of stress would be a good choice,” Tomazin suggests. “Then design a game plan that will enable you to kick it once and for all. For instance, if you’re always dragging into work late, you might set out your clothes and pack your lunch the night before. Wake up 15 minutes earlier, and refrain from turning on the TV until after you’re showered and dressed. You’ll probably find that in most instances, bad habits really aren’t that difficult to scrub out of your life. Summoning the motivation to change and taking that first step are the hardest parts!”

Quit looking “good enough.” Most of us will never be runway models, but that’s no reason to settle for a humdrum, forgettable appearance. Wearing clothes (or a haircut, or makeup) that are dated, not flattering, or “good enough” isn’t doing your self-image any favors. And like it or not, people really do judge a book by its cover. Don’t you want to make an impression that clearly communicates your drive, personality, and confidence?

“Get clear on colors and styles that are most flattering for your age, coloring, and body type, and stick with those guidelines whenever you make a new purchase,” Tomazin instructs. “And face it: Wearing gym clothes whenever you can get away with it makes you feel sloppy and not as productive. You might also want to ask a trusted friend for honest advice. But if you want more personalized results, I recommend working with an image consultant whose trained eye can help you to look your absolute best.”

Quit spending so much time inside. This year, make a resolution to get more fresh air. Take a walk, run, or bike ride a few times each week—or just sit in a local park or on your back porch while reading a book. Getting out of your office or living room will help you think about yourself and your life from a whole new perspective.

“Spending time outside helps you clear your mind, makes you feel more energized, and improves your health,” Tomazin says. “What’s more, doing even the most minimal exercise outdoors helps emphasize the need to drink more water and take care of your skin with sunscreen and moisturizer. And if you’re anything like me, seeing the beautiful pictures that only nature can paint will put you in a great mood for the whole day. It’s a totally different experience than sitting on the couch to watch a movie.”

Halfway through of a brand new year is the perfect time to reassess your life, Tomazin concludes. Instead of adding more things to your to-do list, do yourself a favor and jettison what’s no longer working for you. When you get rid of habits, mindsets, and behaviors that are no longer working for you, you’ll make room for new things that make you feel good and help you grow.

Weight Watchers Tuna Croquettes Recipe (2024)


How do you keep tuna patties from falling apart? ›

Eggs: Two eggs lend moisture and help hold the patties together. Lemon juice: Lemon juice brightens up the flavor.

How many Weight Watchers points is a can of tuna? ›

Yep, canned salmon, canned tuna, canned sardines—any canned fish packed in water (not oil) is a ZeroPoint food.

How many calories are in tuna patties? ›

Tuna cake or patty contains 251 calories per 120 g serving. This serving contains 18 g of fat, 18 g of protein and 3.2 g of carbohydrate. The latter is 0.6 g sugar and 0.2 g of dietary fiber, the rest is complex carbohydrate. Tuna cake or patty contains 2.9 g of saturated fat and 80 mg of cholesterol per serving.

How do you keep croquettes from falling apart? ›

As long as they're chilled and not too runny, you can use any type of leftover mashed potatoes, whether it's a plain mash or one made with butter and cream. Adding flour to the filling also prevents them from falling apart. Our recipe uses three tablespoons, which is just enough to help hold them together.

Why are my tuna patties dry? ›

When making the tuna mixture, it's important not to overmix the ingredients. This can cause the patties to become tough and dry. Mix the ingredients until they're just combined, and avoid excessive mixing or mashing. When forming the patties, it's important to pack them tightly.

What fish is zero point on Weight Watchers? ›

In addition to fruits, vegetables, and some meats, Weight Watchers ZeroPoint™ list includes seafood. Salmon has zero points, lobster has zero points, and crab has zero points -- oh my!!

Is 2 cans of tuna a day good for weight loss? ›

Tuna is low in calories and carbs and rich in protein, which promotes rapid weight loss. But unfortunately, consuming tuna alone will cause nutrient deficiency. In addition, fresh tuna is the best for weight loss, but canned tuna packed in oil has more calories and unhealthy fats, leading to weight gain.

What are the lowest point foods on Weight Watchers? ›

Zero Point Weight Watchers Snacks
  • Sliced Whole Apples.
  • Bananas.
  • Mixed Berries.
  • Carrots.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Grapes.
  • Mangoes.
  • Nectarines.
Mar 15, 2023

What to mix with tuna instead of mayo? ›

When you're ready to elevate your next lunch or dinner, here are 12 delicious substitutes for mayo in your tuna salad.
  1. Greek yogurt. Maslova Valentina/Shutterstock. ...
  2. Avocado. Irina Rostokina/Shutterstock. ...
  3. Hummus. Tempura/Getty Images. ...
  4. Olive oil. Maryia_K/Shutterstock. ...
  5. Dijon mustard. ...
  6. Ranch dressing. ...
  7. Sour cream. ...
  8. Cottage cheese.
Jan 24, 2024

What can I mix with a can of tuna? ›

  • Tuna Cakes: Add Eggs, Herbs & Breadcrumbs. Antonis Achilleos. ...
  • One-Pot Pasta: Add Pasta, Olives & Lemon. Joy Howard. ...
  • Tuna Melt: Add Greek Yogurt, Veggies, Cheese & Bread. Joy Howard. ...
  • Niçoise Salad: Add Potatoes, Hard-Boiled Eggs, Green Beans & Dressing. ...
  • Tuna Salad Spread: Add Avocado, Greek Yogurt, Herbs & Spices.
Aug 19, 2022

What is the healthiest way to eat canned tuna? ›

Healthy tuna recipes
  1. Tangy tuna burgers. A star rating of 4.6 out of 5. ...
  2. Spinach omelette. A star rating of 2.8 out of 5. ...
  3. Tuna & butterbean salad. A star rating of 4.5 out of 5. ...
  4. Storecupboard tuna bean salad. ...
  5. Spicy tuna quinoa salad. ...
  6. Tuna Niçoise protein pot. ...
  7. Healthy tuna pasta. ...
  8. Asparagus & tuna salad.

What to eat with tuna patties? ›

How to Serve Tuna Patties. My favorite way to serve tuna patties is on a bed of greens, like a salad, with a little of my Comeback Sauce. But you could also stuff the tuna cakes into a pita with some tomatoes and greens, and a little tartar sauce.

How much tuna is 100 calories? ›

There are 100 calories in 1 can drained (113 g) of Great Value Chunk Light Tuna in Water (Can). * The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.

How many calories are in 2 0z tuna? ›

Two ounces of the same tuna packed in oil contains 80 calories, 2.5 grams fat, 0 grams saturated fat, 13 grams protein, and 140 mg sodium. 3. Can you eat tuna every day?

How do you hold patties together? ›

One of the most common substitutes is breadcrumbs, but sometimes the breadcrumbs can fall off when the burgers are cooking if there are too many or they are too dry. Other popular substitutions for eggs include cornstarch, flour, ketchup, porridge oats, cracker crumbs, and ground flaxseed.

Why do my fish patties fall apart? ›

If you add too much egg, for instance, or the canned fish isn't properly drained, the mixture will be too wet and the cakes will fall apart. Too many breadcrumbs, on the other hand, will make your cakes dry and crumbly.

How do you get fish cakes to stick together? ›

The proteins in the egg will help bind together your fish cake mix as it cooks. Think of it as your glue: Without it, your fish cakes are going to fall apart. At minimum, you'll want to use one egg for every pound or so of fish so that you have enough “glue.” More is fine, though.

Why do my patties fall apart? ›

Avoid Flipping Too Often

Resist the urge to constantly flip the burgers while they cook. Flipping them too often can cause them to fall apart. Let the burgers cook for a few minutes on one side before flipping them once. This will help them develop a nice sear and hold together better.


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