How To Have A Math Scavenger Hunt + Free Printable (2024)

Looking for a fun, hands-on math activity to help solidify mathematical concepts? Host a math scavenger hunt for the kids and make learning fun!

Math can seem very abstract to kids and many grow up learning to hate math. But in actuality, math is all around you.

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From shapes, to time, to money, to adding, to measurement. Math exists throughout the world!

If you child is having trouble grasping math concepts, or maybe you are just looking for a fun math activity to make learning fun- try having a math scavenger hunt!

The kids will think it’s a game, when really they are learning all sorts of math as they play.

How To Have A Math Scavenger Hunt + Free Printable (1)

How to Do a Math Scavenger Hunt for Kids

First, you need to gather supplies. Luckily there’s not a lot of supplies or prep needed. All you need is:

  • A scavenger hunt list (more on this below)
  • A pen or crayon
  • Optional: a basket or bag to collect items or a camera to take a picture of the finds

That’s all you need!

**Note: Depending on your list, you may need to bring additional supplies such as a ruler for measuring.

Next, you should decided on WHERE you will do your math scavenger hunt. There are tons of options, such as:

  • In your home
  • In your backyard
  • At a park
  • Exploring downtown
  • At a museum
  • Throughout your neighborhood
  • In a magazine

Just do a quick glance over your list before starting to make sure you can complete most of the items without too much trouble in your chosen area.

How To Have A Math Scavenger Hunt + Free Printable (2)

What to Include in a Math Scavenger Hunt

So what kinds of things should go on a math scavenger hunt list? Here are just some of the math principles you can include:

Items for Young Children (Preschool-Kindergarten)

Numbers:Young kids are just learning to identify numbers, so definitely include some of the numbers 1-10 on your list!

Number Words:Number words are an important part of early math skills. Include some on your list.

Shapes:Basic, 2-d shapes are good to include. Think square, circle, triangle, etc.

Number Sets: To help solidify counting, include some number sets on the list. ie. Find 6 of one item

Patterns: Patterns are a very abstract concept for young kids. Include some patterns on your list. Such as color patterns, shape patterns, or number patterns.

Money: While counting money and money value may come later, coin and money identification should be on the list for young kids

Comparisons:Things like bigger/smaller, less/more, etc. ie. Find something smaller than your hand or something heavier than an apple.

Also consider doing themed scavenger hunts. Such as a shape hunt, a number hunt, a number word hunt, a money hunt, etc.

How To Have A Math Scavenger Hunt + Free Printable (3)

Items for Elementary Age Children (K+)

Shapes:Include more advanced and geometric shapes such as rectangular prism, sphere, equilateral triangle, etc

Numbers:Depending on the age of the child, you can include all sorts of numbers such as millions, decimals, even/odds, etc.

Counting:Think about adding in groups such as dozens, groups of 10, skip counting, etc.

Place Value:Place value can be very confusing in the beginning. Add in some place value tasks, such as find a number with a 2 in the tens place or 1 in the hundreds place.

Geometry:Add geometric concepts such as parallel lines, perpendicular lines, concentric circles, right angles, etc.

Money:A specific amount of money, a set of coins, a price tag with a cents or dollar sign.

Measurement:Provide a ruler and ask for exact measurements or even perimeter or area. Use both standard and metric measurements.

Fractions:You can list to find fractions (ie. 1/2 off!) or to find a fraction of something (ie. half eaten pizza)

Addition/Subtraction:Ask them to find a written number problem or something that represents a problem. Such as a dozen eggs missing 2 eggs can be represented as 12-2=10. You can also ask them to find 2 numbers with a specific difference or sum.

Time:Both in terms of hours and minutes on a clock and dates (days of the week, months, etc)

A scavenger hunt is also a great way to introduce and explain new concepts in a fun, no pressure way!

Printable Math Scavenger Hunt Sheets for Preschool and Elementary Ages

You can make your own list for you math scavenger hunt, but if you don’t want to DIY, here are 2 different scavenger hunt sheets to try.

One is for preschoolers and one is suitable for elementary aged kids.

To use these sheets, simply click on the images below to download and print for your own use.



Just print them out and enjoy!

Looking more learning fun? Check these out next:

Free Hundreds Charts

7 Math Centered Candy Heart Activities for Young Kids

DIY Race Car Counting Game for Preschoolers

How to Make Dancing Popcorn (a Science Activity)

Knockout- A Fun Addition Game to Learn the Facts!

How to Do a Nature Scavenger Hunt for Kids (of All Ages!)

How To Have A Math Scavenger Hunt + Free Printable (2024)


How to do a scavenger hunt in math? ›

  1. Mathematics Scavenger Hunt. In this game small teams search for mathematically interesting items from a list and take pictures of them. ...
  2. 1 - Decide the location. ...
  3. 2 - Decide a time limit. ...
  4. 3 - Define the list of items. ...
  5. 4 - How to find and capture items. ...
  6. 5 - Share the findings. ...
  7. Before the event. ...
  8. During the event.

Is there a free scavenger hunt app? ›

Actionbound is one of the more basic free scavenger hunt apps. The platform originally started as an educational tool, and has since morphed into a digital scavenger hunt provider for companies, educational institutions, and individuals.

How do I create my own scavenger hunt? ›

How To Plan Your Own Scavenger Hunt
  1. Choose your location(s) and time. ...
  2. Pick a theme. ...
  3. Create your lists and riddles. ...
  4. Hide the clues and/or objects. ...
  5. Write your riddles/clues. ...
  6. First one to solve all the clues and grab the final object/figures out the end result wins!

How do you make a scavenger hunt lesson plan? ›

Post “cards” around the room (or into the halls) with specific learning tasks on them. Prepare an answer page that each student will carry around. Students are told a starting point in the scavenger hunt. After working through the first card (their starting point), students walk around to find the answer.

How do you give clues for a scavenger hunt? ›

The most common way to give treasure hunt clues is to create a trail, so that the answer to one clue reveals the next one. You can either write the riddle on a piece of paper hidden at the chosen location, or enter the puzzles into an online treasure hunt app that gives clues one by one.

What are good clues for a scavenger hunt? ›

40 best clues for your ultimate scavenger hunt
  • You cut me on a table, but I'm never eaten. ...
  • A band that doesn't play instruments but has plenty of styles. ( ...
  • Everything ends with me. ...
  • How many glasses of water can one drink on an empty stomach? ( ...
  • I am not a lamp, but I can light up. ...
  • I am not an organ, but I have 13 hearts.
Oct 12, 2022

What is the #1 free hunting app? ›

With over 6 million downloads, HuntStand is North America's #1 Hunting & Land Management App.

Is there an app to create your own scavenger hunt? ›

With a wide variety of challenge types at your fingertips, you can come up with your own unique and engaging scavenger hunt. Eventzee offers 7 different Challenge types and Grouped Challenges too.

What is the scavenger hunt app called? ›

Inspired by scavenger hunts, Goosechase is an online platform that helps you create interactive experiences.

How many items should be on a scavenger hunt? ›

Pick 5-15 or so objects you want the players to find throughout the scavenger hunt. These can be any household items, like a spoon, action figure, or markers, for example. Write down all of the items to keep track of the items players find and what items are still missing.

How do I host a digital scavenger hunt? ›

How to Host Your Own Virtual Scavenger Hunt
  1. Create Your List. ...
  2. Pick a Time and Invite Your Participants. ...
  3. Decide on a Game Master. ...
  4. Communicate the Rules. ...
  5. Pick a Prize – One the Team Wants. ...
  6. Evaluate the Results. ...
  7. A 'Traditional' Hunt – Just Online! ...
  8. A Photo Challenge Scavenger Hunt.

Is there an online scavenger hunt? ›

Virtual or online scavenger hunts are online games that are based on the classic scavenger hunt game. They are online timed competitions where players or teams compete against each other. The challenges are typically made up of finding items, solving puzzles, or riddles.

How do you do a scavenger hunt in the classroom? ›

Create a list of things to find, hear or do. Use pictures, numbers and words to create your list. Create a time limit (optional). Give children the list and let them scavenge around and find, smell or do all of the things on their list.

How do you play scavenger hunt for students? ›

Scavenger Hunt: How to Play These Games?
  1. Create a list of things to search out, hear or do.
  2. Set a time limit (within which the task has to be completed)
  3. Give the participants a list and let them scavenge around.
  4. The one who completes doing the tasks earliest or does the maximum within a given time is the winner.
Jul 31, 2022


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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