8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (2024)

Is your intranet design in need of an overhaul? Are dry, information-overloaded and text-heavy intranet homepages killing your user engagement? Look no further. These intranet design examples are guaranteed to wow.

Great design is a language everyone can understand.

Design has the power to capture our attentions and spark our imaginations. It can translate the complicated or mundane into something simple and engaging. It can move us to action and improve productivity. It can trigger our emotions and alter our perspectives.

However, it can also be one of the biggest challenges of any project.

When it comes to intranet design, the stakes are high. Well-executed design can mean the difference between a business-critical tool that users value and engage with and one that sits on the proverbial digital shelf, doomed to die. It is the dividing line between adoption and abandonment.

With the pressure of delivering a platform for hundreds, if not thousands of users, where do you even start when designing your intranet? Given the subjective nature of design, how do you strike the right note? How do you reconcile different needs, opinions, and tastes?

These intranet design ideas each take a unique business sector, challenge, or need: and translate that into impactful intranet homepage designs that combine functionality, content, and aesthetics in perfect harmony.

Whether you’re looking to improve the design of your existing intranet or you’re in the market for a new intranet solution that can realize your vision, these intranet examples will get you inspired.

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Manage your dispersed frontline staff: A retail intranet homepage

Frontline staff are the face of your retail brand and responsible for delivering your customer experience. Yet retail employees often feel disengaged on the job. This makes designing an intranet for the retail industry a unique challenge.

How do you manage and motivate employees who may be spread across the country or even the globe? How do you connect those in your distribution centers or out on the road, who may not have easy access to a computer? How do you ensure consistency in service and brand messaging when stores are cut off from HQ?

When it has a design that appeals to everyone, however, a multichannel communications platform can connect staff with all the latest company developments and updates from colleagues in every region.

8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (2)

Connect to the cause: A nonprofit intranet homepage

Working in the nonprofit sector, whether as a paid worker or in a voluntary capacity, can be hugely rewarding and empowering.

Nonprofit employees make up the third-largest workforce in the US. The sector provides 11.4 million jobs and employs 10% of the nation’s population. There are also 63 million volunteers in the US alone.

However, working in this rewarding industry comes with its own set of unique challenges.

Worthy causes can be emotionally taxing to deal with on a daily basis, resulting in higher levels of staff stress, absenteeism, and turnover. With a focus on driving funds towards the cause, nonprofit organizations will also face financial constraints and offer limited training, development, or benefits compared to the private sector.

To overcome those burdens, it’s critical that staff connect to the mission and cause they’re working for.

Research on volunteer motivations shows that 40% of people who volunteer are driven by the desire to improve things and help people, and 32% do so because the cause is important to them. Sharing of stories and successes, alongside with access to best practices, compliance and regulatory requirements, are all vital for this audience.

Here’s how an effective intranet design can help:

8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (3)
  • Sharing stories: a high-impact hero banner for news and the use of employee-generated content such as blogs all help staff and volunteers share experiences and get inspired by the cause they’re working for.
  • Rewards and recognition: the power and impact of employee recognition is huge. A rewards widget that enables staff to say thanks and recognize the impact and efforts of their peers boosts morale, community, and engagement.
  • Newsfeed of real-time updates: in today’s social media-driven world, cutting through the digital noise can be tough. Using permissions and built-in intelligence, personalized and tailored content can be pushed to users to keep them updated and engaged.
  • Strong branding: an internal brand that aligns with the mission and cause can inspire and create a sense of pride, ownership, and connection to the organization.
  • Quicklinks and broadcasts: keeping staff and volunteers informed, safe, and compliant is a priority for any nonprofit. Easy quick access to policies, governance, and information, alongside emergency broadcasts for critical updates, are all benefits offered by an effective intranet design.

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Nonprofit intranet design in action: Trafford Rape Crisis

8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (5)

“The overwhelming majority of our volunteers juggle their time at TRC alongside their full-time roles elsewhere, so it’s rare that we all get to meet in person. It can also be a difficult cause to work for. (Our intranet) has enabled us to come together in a virtual space to share experiences, to celebrate successes, to gain support and to connect as an organization. We’ve built an entire culture around this virtual workspace. It’s dramatically helped with morale and volunteer attrition.” – Fiaza Mansoor, Center Manager at Trafford Rape Crisis.

Better experiences for frontline staff and better care: A healthcare intranet homepage

The healthcare sector faces a wide range of challenges, from an aging population to the rise of chronic health conditions. This is on top of demands for increased productivity and efficiency, resource constraints, and a call for digital transformation.

Healthcare staff are often diverse in terms of role and location, including roles such as administrative staff, clinicians, hospital-based workers, and community carers.

This healthcare intranet design sets out to connect hard-to-reach workers, promote a patient-led approach to quality care, and push vital information to support every staff member in their role.

8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (6)
  • Task-led design gives staff quick access to essential systems such as HR, Payroll, and scheduling, centralizing all their digital tools and applications, with single sign-on making for a more streamlined and efficient process.
  • Pulse survey widgets give grassroots staff a voice, helping management to gauge healthcare employee engagement.
  • Forums enable the sharing of ideas and best practices, collaborative problem solving, and staff connection outside of departmental silos.
  • Signposting design allows the intranet to serve as the hub or gateway into the organizations’ wider digital workplace. Here, HTML widgets push staff to other services and current campaigns.

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Healthcare intranet design in action: Piedmont Healthcare

8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (8)

“We challenged ourselves to find the right intranet platform that would deliver the unique destination our employees wanted. Since the launch of The Village, there has been a significant increase in the number of employees who agree or strongly agree that they receive adequate communication about changes happening at Piedmont and the company’s future plans and directions. Based on the results, we hit the mark.” – Kelli Newman, Director of Internal Comms at Piedmont Healthcare

Capturing the power of the visual: A media intranet homepage

Today’s world is dominated by digital noise.

Thanks to advances in social media and technology in general, we are constantly inundated with information, updates, and notifications. Cutting through that noise to capture—and hold—the attention of our employees is a tremendous challenge.

80% of readers only skim online content. However, colorful visuals increase the desire to read content by 80% and our brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

For those operating in a creative industry in particular, text-heavy and document-loaded intranets aren’t going to cut it. Engaging with employees requires speaking in a language they’ll understand: harnessing the power of the visual to capture attention, share ideas, and inspire.

8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (9)

This media intranet homepage design delivers impact through:

  • A high-impact, full-width hero banner that uses the entire space above the fold to immediately ‘wow’ and grab attention
  • Bold use of color in branding and quicklinks
  • A minimalist approach to the overall design, with a limited amount of written content and preference given to images as an alternative
  • Mixed media including video, images, and HTML widgets to visually promote key intranet content rather than text links
  • Signposting with links to the different areas of the business in the footer, the quick links, the HTML widgets and more, the homepage serves as a ‘gateway’ to pull users in before they journey on

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Keep it compliant: a financial services intranet homepage

At the mercy of regulatory requirements, compliance, continual changes in the market, and the complexities posed by international trading, the financial sector has a difficult path to navigate.

Keeping staff informed, therefore, is a top-ranking priority.

Intranet design in this industry should focus on connecting staff to the information and tools they need, enabling them to perform their roles to the best of their abilities. In contrast to the media intranet design example, financial services will need to present more content up front, and looks shouldn’t trump purpose.

This isn’t an excuse to revert to the text-heavy, information-overloaded link lists of the 1990s, however. Here’s how to navigate the fine line between looks and function:

8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (11)
  • A modular widget approach to push multiple important news items to users as soon as they open the homepage
  • Use of the mandatory read function to ensure important compliance documents are read and acknowledged
  • Quicklinks to third-party systems to allow for seamless navigation
  • HTML widgets pull in external content—in this instance, a dashboard for real-time stock and share rates
  • A mixture of content types including blogs, news, quicklinks, and video, to present information without becoming too text-heavy

Financial services intranet design in action: Travelex

8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (12)

“The Loungeis relied on for everything we do now. It’s easy for staff to access policies, forms, and information that directly affects them. They’re now better informed, and the time saved not relying so much on email we can now devote to customers. The Lounge has drastically reduced workloads for staff as email communications are reduced, forms are more efficient for managing processes, and colleagues are able to independently find information and tools to do their day job by searching on The Lounge and finding what they need in a matter of seconds.” – Tricia Scott, Global Intranet Manager, Travelex

The power of possibility

As these diverse intranet design examples show, the potential and flexibility of design is unlimited.

The same industry sector or even the same brand can be interpreted in a multitude of different ways, depending on the company culture and needs of the organization. It can be practical and useful. It can be striking and awe-inspiring. It can—and should—be utterly unique.

Design is the sum of a multitude of elements, spanning everything from fonts and colors to widgets, layout, menu, and more. When these elements come together in a strategic way, the result can be remarkable, not only in inspiring and engaging employees, but also in delivering a tangible return on the investment of your intranet project.

Discover how to plan and implement a modern intranet with our complete guide.

Learn everything you need to know about the planning of a new intranet platform with this comprehensive ebook.

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8 Intranet Design Examples Guaranteed to Inspire Your Employees | Interact software (2024)


What is an example of an intranet? ›

Example: A company wants to schedule a meeting with its employees and vendors to introduce a new product. It uses intranet features to invite its sales, customer service, and field service staff to a meeting to introduce the new product.

How do you build an intranet for an employee? ›

To create a site map and plan the structure of your intranet, you'll need to:
  1. Define its purpose and goals.
  2. Identify the audience and their needs.
  3. Gather content.
  4. Organize and structure your content.
  5. Create a visual representation of the structure (a site map).
  6. Test and refine your structure.
Feb 28, 2023

What is design intranet? ›

An intranet improves internal communications and creates a better employee experience. Designing your intranet to address the specific needs of your manufacturing company will help you provide ongoing health and safety training for your team, reduce safety incidents, and improve your processes and employee engagement.

What is an internal intranet website for employees to use? ›

An employee intranet is a private network your company uses for internal communications. Typically, access is restricted to current employees. The system is a centralized hub where your workers can access workplace tools and resources.

What are the three types of intranet? ›

The Different Types of Intranets
  • Internal website. An internal company website can only be accessed by a company's employees. ...
  • Employee intranet portal. Much like an internal website for employees, an intranet portal is hosted on a company's own servers. ...
  • Social intranet. ...
  • Front door intranet. ...
  • External website.

What is internet intranet example? ›

An example of an intranet is a company's internal website where employees can access HR policies, project management tools, and company news. Guru's customizable intranet features offer a branded homepage for teams to access important documents and announcements​​.

What makes a good intranet page? ›

A valuable intranet may include essential elements such as news, employee directory, communities, or search capabilities. Moreover, an intranet should also have quality content to help employees carry out everyday tasks. Some companies use their intranet to share important information and company news with employees.

How do you get employees to engage with intranet? ›

22 Intranet Engagement Ideas:
  1. Use Feedback Surveys and Polls. ...
  2. Develop a Content Strategy Plan. ...
  3. Be Transparent About the Goals. ...
  4. Simplicity is Key. ...
  5. Beautiful Design. ...
  6. Offer a Customizable Intranet Experience. ...
  7. Encourage Content Creation. ...
  8. Offer a Mobile Experience.

How to plan an intranet? ›

Follow these 10 steps to create and plan an intranet project
  1. Setup a goal.
  2. Define the scope and audience.
  3. Build a sitemap.
  4. What are the key applications you want to use?
  5. Understanding permissions.
  6. Create a homepage wireframe.
  7. Budget and resources.
  8. Timeline.
May 31, 2021

What is the main purpose of an intranet? ›

Answer: Intranets are predominantly used by employees to search for information, communicate across an organization, and manage workflows. An example is a website that an airline company exclusively uses to deliver updates and information to its workforce.

What software is used for intranet? ›

Sharepoint is a static, web-based intranet platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Organizations use it for managing, saving, and sharing documents and data internally. They can access SharePoint as a shared portal from any device.

What are intranet projects? ›

Intranets are the digital hubs that empower organizations to share information, manage content, and foster efficient teamwork. However, effective Intranet Project Management is essential to maximize your intranet's potential.

What are the basics of intranet? ›

An intranet is a private network contained within an enterprise that is used to securely share company information and computing resources among employees. An intranet can also be used for working in groups and teleconferences. Intranets encourage communication within an organization.

Why employees don t use intranet? ›

Lack of engagement and social features

If an intranet is going to have an impact on employee engagement, it needs to be equipped with features that actually promote engagement. Traditional intranet solutions lack chat, social feeds, and surveys.

Do companies still use intranets? ›

Are intranets still relevant? The traditional company intranet might seem like a relic of the past, but the modern intranet is still very relevant. Companies used intranets like Sharepoint for information sharing and content management, but after all, modern intranets offer much more to employees.

Is Wi Fi an intranet? ›

WiFi is a Technology to access Local Area Network with help of Wireless Access Points (WAPs) connected with a physical cable to Computing Network. And further Computing Devices with Wireless NICs connects to these WAPs to access the Network services offered on the LAN aka Intranet.

What is considered intranet? ›

Intranet defined

An intranet is a private network that organizations use to share information between employees securely. They are web-connected sites on networks, such as Local Area Networks (LANs) or wide area networks (WANs). They can be better understood and visualized as a smaller version of the internet.

What is the meaning of intranet and examples? ›

An intranet is a private network contained within an enterprise that is used to securely share company information and computing resources among employees. An intranet can also be used for working in groups and teleconferences. Intranets encourage communication within an organization.

Is Facebook an intranet? ›

“There are other tools that are secure, have more robust features, and Facebook is not designed for an intranet,” cautions Jeremiah Owyang, senior analyst for social computing at Forrester Research.


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.